Raspberry Pi
3D Model provided by Scraf Veintitrés (2012), looks around the computer that has a footprint the size of a playing card.
An overview of the Raspberry Pi Model B+ introduced in July 2014. Includes a comparison with the earlier Model B, building a DIY mount, and a quick look at what you can do with a Raspberry Pi. There are lots of additional videos and projects online but this short video from Explaining Computers (2014) is a a quick intro.
Looking at using the Raspberry Pi this brief video again by Explaining Computers (2016), looks at monitoring the temperature of the processor as it is put through its paces.
There is a tendency to wander all over the web looking for detail when researching technology but I found Barnatt (2016) to be a useful starting place well worth a look at the other topics he has covered too.
Barnatt, C. (2016) ExplainingComputers.Com by Christopher Barnatt. Available at: http://explainingcomputers.com/index.html (Accessed: 1 July 2016).ExplainingComputers (2014) Raspberry pi model B+. Available at: https://youtu.be/yG0xitdXIs8 (Accessed: 1 July ).
Scraf Veintitrés (2012) Raspberry pi - 3D model by Confusis. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fq66RpZv3sI (Accessed: 1 July 2016).